Sound Bioventures’ ESG Toolbox

Supporting our portfolio companies in the best possible way is at the core of our ESG strategy. We know that sustainability requires more than setting expectations—it demands practical support and guidance. Our bespoke ESG Toolbox platform is designed to equip our portfolio companies with the tools they need to implement impactful sustainability initiatives tailored to their unique challenges and goals.

The Toolbox is an integral part of our due diligence and ongoing engagement process. It enables companies to assess their current ESG maturity, identify key improvement areas, and set actionable priorities.

Since inception of the ESG Toolbox, it has been expanded to include tailored resources that address common industry challenges, such as bioethics policies, supply chain management, and health and safety practices. This initiative was strengthened by collaborations with leading ESG advisors, ensuring that the support we provide reflects the latest best practices. The ESG Toolbox is uniquely available to all of our portfolio companies and as of today contains more than 17 policies/instructions spanning across each domain of ESG. The content is continuously being expanded and updated to reflect novel ESG requirements.